foaming action?!

Posted On August 25, 2008

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there’s too many choices in the cleaning-agent aisle.

there, i said it.

this must be the one place in the whole of target/walmart/supermarket where you can’t just be like “um … i like this one.” it’s not like choosing between fruit snacks and sandwich meat. if you pick the wrong one, your tub will still be dirty, or you will have to get down and scrub really hard to get it clean(er), and end up chapping your hands. there might still be bacteria (i don’t know, what happens when you get the one that *doesn’t* say “kills 99% of all bacteria!” ?).

and there’s really no guidance down there. (unless you chance upon a friendly storeperson or random-shopper who knows what’s going on and is willing to help). for complicated things like washers and guitars and mattresses, someone will tell you that it has an option for a double cycle or what “permanent press” means. (if google is not handy 😉 ).

so, here’s the multimillion dollar idea. there should be a touchscreen computer dealy at the end of the cleaning-products aisle that computes what the hell to buy. you just go describe whether you have tiles or porcelain or whether the space between your toilet or your wall is big enough for __ mop. you tell it what you hate worse: mops that push grime around instead of soaking it up, or having to squirt cleaning fluid onto the floor. then it spits out a cleaning regimen, detailing what products are the best fit for you, and if necessary, a step by step guide.

we just have to make sure clorox or lysol or comet don’t jack it and monopolize it. no partisan cleaning advice allowed. except maybe method. method is cool. i trust method.

so yeah. i was so lost today. there were like 7 options for foam sprays that claim to clean tubs (“removes dirt build-up and soap scum!”). i stood there lost and then some lady whizzed by and grabbed one, so i took what she got, ‘cos she looked like the type of lady that had clean tubs.